Thursday, 3 December 2009

I Love Boxie

I don't often plug products on this blog, in fact I think this is the first time, but it is well deserved.

I Love Boxie is a t-shirt company based in London.
You tell them a story, something that has happened to you that you think deserves to be immortalised in print, they think up a line that sums up the story you have told, and print it.

Simple, brilliant, and beautiful.

It's been a year since I had a conversation with Moxie, the enigmatic woman behind the search for 'Boxie', and a year since I got my t-shirt. Thankfully, dispite recessions and crunches, they are still going strong.

I love Boxie and so should you - here's the website:

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Thank God I have a Job...

Well it's been an eventful few days.

Thanks to the rain we've been having and the fact that I wear cheap shoes to work I fell flat on my face yesterday (more specifically my eyebrow) which lead my glasses to bend completely out of shape as they took a chunk out of my face. Excellent.

So, one minor head injury, two hours and £50 later I have been told by Specsavers that I'll be getting a new pair of glasses next week. So Thank GOD I can stop feeling sick at the thought of spending £50 because I fell over by replacing that thought with, "Oh well, it's payday again in a couple of weeks".


Specsavers was an interesting experience. I seem to have been attended to by the entire body of staff they have, none of whom have the feintest hint of a sense of humour, and they all seem to talk very very quickly - I'm convinced they are all either A.) Cocaine addicts, B.) Hopped up on coffee 24/7 or C.) massive fans of The Gilmore Girls.

Also, the guy who tested my eyes kept saying, 'But hey, that's just part of who you are' every time he mentioned my short-sightedness. As if it's something to be ashamed of or something?! Very odd.

I'm Marc. I'm short-sighted. And proud of it. When it's legal for short-sighted people to marry I'll be first to the registry office.