Monday, 21 September 2009

Monday Monday (Ba-da ba-da-da-da)

(Extra brownie-points for those who catch the reference in the title of this post ;-) )

Another Monday morning, another week gone, another week I've failed to get a job. I'm thinking of making a new week resolution (new year being, mercifully, too far away) to stop me from getting disheartened with my situation. Something specific, to allow me to make the best of the time I have and use it as an opportunity to give my dreams one last shot. I realise this completely contradicts my argument to the world that the "unemployed yoof" of today are not wasting time pursuing doomed creative projects. But what's life without a little contradiction-in-terms? Sod it.

Also, the cleaner is still here and I HAVE managed to shower and start the day. Admittedly, I still scurried around the house so as to avoid a semi-dressed-at-mid-morning encounter, but it's all progress.

Baby steps, baby steps.


  1. Your blog title pretty much describes what i hear every bloody day, so i feel your pain. I too am a graduate still looking for a job. I have been looking forever! It is tough and disheartening sometimes but keep going! I'm sure when the time is right, we'll both find something! Best of luck. :)

  2. Thanks for your words of support! You're right. Maybe the solution is for this year's graduates to band together Robin Hood-style and use our creativity to shake things up a bit, change the situation rather than wallow in self-pity.

    No matter how lonely we get, we must remember we are not alone. Best of luck to you too - and thanks for reading!
