Friday, 9 October 2009

Bring Back The Black Line!

There are certain aspects of wartime rationing which I personally don't think were such a terrible idea. I'm not talking about meat, dairy, bread or even sugar. I'm talking about hot water.

Today I was denied the simple pleasure of a mid-afternoon shower because some selfish girl (no, before you start burning your bras at me or send Germaine Greer to have a go - it really was a girl) used all the hot water this morning having a bath.

Now, since I am fortunate enough to have the pipes from the bathroom spewing their soapy effluence right outside my bedroom window, I know precisely how lavish the bath in question was. It was steamy, it was soapy and it was, without a shadow of a doubt, very girly.

Bring back the black line, I say. A six inch bubble limit on morning baths so the rest of us might at least have a snowflake's chance in hell at having a luke-warm shower when we wish. End bathtime selfishness! Bring back the black line! - Could be a national campaign.

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