Thursday, 1 October 2009

Google: The #1 Evil Genius

I am ashamed to admit that I have spent the better part of the last five hours trying to score myself an invitation to Google Wave on Twitter...and I'm not even sure what it is. What I do know is that I want in.

Basically, Google have done it again. They have created some...THING, some lovely piece of technology that they say will revolutionise the way we think/communicate/breathe/live and get us to sign up for it months in advance. Then when the release date comes they only allow a set number of people access to this new technological nirvana. Now, here comes the clever bit. To these lucky first batch of consumers they award a small number of invitations to send to people they know so they they can share the joy. For the rest of us mere mortals this means we get stuck in a frenzy of desperation trying (and failing) to get an invite.

They did it in 2004 with 'GMail' and now it's Google Wave. I have absolutely no idea what it is. But apparently it's very clever and very pretty.

But I'm not the only one gagging for access. Half the world, it seems, are willing to do just about anything to have a look at Google Wave, and I do mean anything. But why? Because some multi-national .com company says it's pretty cool? No. Because they say it's cool and won't let us see it!

I'm wondering if the same could be applied to job hunting. So maybe one day I rock up at an employer and say, 'Hey, I'm clever and pretty, but you can't have me working here.' By Google's standards I'll have every employer in the country chasing after me, literally begging me to let them see just how clever and pretty I am.

Hmmm...maybe not.

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