Thursday 24 September 2009


Well, it's my graduation ceremony tomorrow afternoon and I can't say I'm really looking forward to it. Leaving university has been comparable to the death of someone close to you, and graduation is like the funeral - you dread it, not because of the event itself, but because it's the last thing you do before it really is all over.

It seems cruel that school, one of the least enjoyable times of my life, lasted almost twice as long as the most treasured. I'm not ready to say 'goodbye' to it yet, but I've got to grit my teeth and hope that there are better times ahead.

I'd love to play the petulant child and say, 'stuff your silly hat I'm not graduating yet!' but my grandmother cleared a space for my graduation photo on her mantelpiece half way through my first year.

God, I hope I don't blink when the flash goes off....

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